WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Integrated Land Management Advisory Forum 6 March 2006 Paper 1 Title: Update on the National Park Plan and the role of the ILMAF Prepared By: Fiona Newcombe, Head of Land Management and Nick Halfhide, Head of Strategic Policy and Programme Management Background The Cairngorms National Park Authority has chosen a transparent and consultative approach to compiling the first Cairngorms National Park Plan. As a key part of this, the CNPA has greatly valued the input of the Integrated land Management Advisory Forum into the development of the National Park Plan. The Forum has discussed: • the draft vision in January 2005 • the draft issues in March 2005; and • the draft objectives and actions in August 2005. In addition, all members of the Forum were invited to meet with the CNPA during the summer, to discuss issues, objectives and actions in the emerging National Park Plan. Many of these discussions have continued informally. The purpose of this paper is to update members of the Forum on progress with the Park Plan. It sets out the next steps, and seeks members’ views. Timetable for the National Park Plan The draft national Park Plan was approved by the National Park Authority Board in December 2005. It will be launched for formal consultation at the end of March 2006. The consultation should last for 14 weeks, and a range of materials and a series of events are currently planned. The Park Plan will then be completed in Autumn 2006 and after approval by the CNPA Board, presented to the Minister of Environment and Rural affairs for approval. We are currently planning that the Plan be implemented from January 2007. Structure of the National Park Plan The National Park Plan is a unique and potentially powerful opportunity. It will shape the direction of the National park in the immediate future and for years to come. For the first time, it will require public bodies to plan openly in quite some detail how they will work collectively to achieve the aims of the National Park. The Plan will be presented in two sections, covering different timescales: 1. Looking to 2030 – this proposed what we want to achieve in the longer term, and includes the vision, objectives and actions previously discussed by the Forum; and 2. Priorities for Action. This proposes a targeted work programme for the public sector and others that addresses the most immediate challenges and opportunities. It covers the period 2007-2012. Priorities for Action The following seven areas have been identified through discussions with a range of stakeholders while developing the National park plan. They are priority areas on which to focus effort and resources over the next 5 years. a. Conserving and Enhancing the Park’s Biodiversity and Landscapes b. Developing Sustainable Deer Management c. Supporting Integrated Land Management d. Providing High Quality Opportunities for Outdoor Access e. Making Housing Affordable and Sustainable f. Making Business and Tourism Sustainable g. Developing Awareness and Understanding of the Park Developing the Priorities for Action An action plan is currently being developed for each Priority for Action. The action plan will set out what will be achieved in the 5 years and the impacts of these outcomes. It will identify and prioritise the actions needed, when they must happen, those involved in each action, and the lead person, and a monitoring plan. The action plans will co-ordinate the activities of a range of public bodies. The action plans will be informed by the results of the public consultation, and will be completed by Autumn 2006 along with the rest of the National Park Plan. The role of the Integrated Land Management Advisory Forum The Forum has a key role to play in the development of the National Park Plan. It is proposed that the draft Plan is discussed at the next meeting. In addition, the Forum will advise on the emerging action plan for integrated land management at the next and future meetings. We propose that the Forum also continues to advise on other CNPA work. Further information This paper is a very short overview of progress and action on the National Park Plan. More information is available from Fiona Newcombe, or the recent Board paper and its annex: http://www.cairngorms.co.uk/resource/docs/boardpapers/02122005/CNPA.Paper.115 1.Board.Board.Paper.1.d.txt http://www.cairngorms.co.uk/resource/docs/boardpapers/02122005/CNPA.Paper.115 2.Board.Board.Paper.1.A.txt Questions for the Forum The Forum is invited to question and comment on any aspect of the development of the National Park Plan. We are particularly interested in views on the following: • Are these the right seven priorities for action? • How should we conduct the formal National Park Plan consultation with land management interests? • What do the Action Plans need to contain to ensure their success?